

This file contains the menus configuration for the application.Here you can set all info for menus like "Navigations bars", "Footer",etc In the file @config/menus.ts you can set the config of the menus


The next example is the default configuration

export default {
    header: {
        changelog: false,
        portal: true,
        navigation: {
            links: [
                { name: 'Features', href: '/#features' },
                { name: 'Pricing', href: '/#pricing' },
                { name: 'FAQ\'s', href: '/#faqs' },
    footer: {
        promolink: {
            affiliateId: '123thisIsAnExampleId123',
        navigation: {
            links: [
                { name: 'Top', href: '/#top' },
                { name: 'Features', href: '/#features' },
                { name: 'Pricing', href: '/#pricing' },
                { name: 'FAQ\'s', href: '/#faqs' },
            legal: [
                { name: 'Privacy Policy', href: '/legal/privacy-policy' },
                { name: 'Terms & Conditions', href: '/legal/terms-and-conditions' },
            social: [
                { name: 'Twitter', href: '', icon: 'simple-icons:x'},
                { name: 'Github', href: '', icon: 'simple-icons:github'},

    user: {
        navigation: {
            links: [
                { name: 'Dashboard', href: '/dashboard' },
                { name: 'Your Profile', href: '/dashboard/profile' },
                { name: 'Settings', href: '/dashboard/settings' },

    dashboard: {
        settings: { name: 'Settings', href: '/dashboard/settings', icon: "ph:gear-fine-duotone" },
        navigation: {
            links: [
                { name: 'Dashboard', href: '/dashboard' }

    auth: {
        logout: { name: 'Logout' },
        login: { name: 'Login', href: '/auth/login' },
        register: { name: 'Register', href: getCheckoutLink('default', 'BETA') }


Table of Contents