

This file config/cookies.ts contains the cookies configuration for the application.Here you can set the cookies


The next example is the default configuration

export default {
    main: {
        title: 'Cookie Settings',
        content: [
            "We use cookies and similar technologies to help personalize content and offer a better experience.You can change your preferences by clicking on the 'Cookie Preference' button.",
        moreInfo: {
            text: 'For more information youcan read our',
            buttonText: 'GDPR Policy here',
        buttons: {
            cookiesPreferences: { text: 'Cookie Preferences' },
            declineAll: { text: 'Decline all Cookies' },
            acceptAll: { text: 'Accept all Cookies' },
    settings: {
        header: {
            title: 'Cookie Preferences',
            content: [
                'We use cookies to provide you with a better experience on our website.',
                'You can opt out of cookies at any time.',
        body: {
            title: 'For more information youcan read our',
            description: 'GDPR Policy here',
            preferences : [
                    title: 'Analytics',
                    description: 'We use analytics to track your behavior on our site and provide you with targeted ads.',
                    items: [
                            label: 'Google Analytics',
                            value: 'google-analytics',
                            isRequired: true,
                            isEnable: true
        footer: {
                cancel: {text: 'Cancel'},
                accept: {text: 'Save'},
    GDPR: {
        header: {
            title: 'GDPR Terms',
            content: [
                'At Horizon Hub, we take data privacy and protection seriously. Our commitment to safeguarding your personal information aligns with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and store your data, ensuring transparency and your rights as a user.',
        body: {
            items: [
                { header: 'Data Collection and Usage:',text:'We collect and process personal data solely for legitimate business purposes. This includes providing our services, communicating updates, and enhancing user experience. Your information will never be sold or shared with third parties without your explicit consent.'},
                { header: 'Data Security',text:'We implement robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. Our systems are regularly audited and updated to maintain the highest level of security.',},
        footer: {
                cancel: {text: 'Cancel'},
                accept: {text: 'Ok'},


Table of Contents