<AuthCredentialsRegisterForm />

<AuthCredentialsRegisterForm/> component is a child of <AuthRegister> RapidLaunch.it recommend use always <AuthRegister>

Go to the following link: <AuthRegister> to see all the properties of this component

The CredentialsRegisterForm component is a form that allows a user to register with their email and password.


In Nuxt the components located inside a global folder are registered application-wide.
You can read more about this in the Nuxt documentation - Dynamic Components.
To use the component, simply add it to your template:

<AuthCredentialsRegisterForm />

But you can also import the component directly into your file:

The components are located in the @/components/global/Auth directory. To use the component, import it into your file:

import AuthCredentialsRegisterForm from '@/components/global/Auth/CredentialsRegisterForm';


const submit = async () => {
    busy.value = true
    const { data, error } = await useFetch('/api/auth/register', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: {
            email: form.value.email,
            password: form.value.password
    if (error.value) {
        console.log('error', error.value)
        busy.value = false
    await getSession()
    const singInOptions = {
        callbackUrl: register?.redirect,
        username: form.value.email,
        password: form.value.password
    return await signIn('credentials', singInOptions)