<GDPR />

<GDPR/> component is a child of <CookiesComply> RapidLaunch.it recommend use always <CookiesComply> component

Go to the following link: <CookiesComply> to see all the properties of this component

The GDPR component refers to the General Data Protection Regulation, is a comprehensive data privacy and protection regulation implemented by the European Union (EU). Enforced since May 25, 2018, GDPR is designed to safeguard the personal data of EU citizens and residents

The component is located in the @/components/global/Cookies/Modal/GDPR directory. To use the component, import it into your file:

import GDPR from '/components/global/Cookies/Modal';

To use the component, add it to your template:

<GDPR />


    <GDPR />


For configuration's component, visit Config documentation.