

Our Blog is a dynamic space where ideas come to life, stories unfold, and knowledge finds its voice. Our blog is more than just a collection of posts; it's a vibrant hub where we share insights, experiences, and expertise on a variety of topics.

In the file @config/blog.ts you can set all configuration for your blog


The next example is the default configuration

export default {
    contentFolder: 'blog',
    baseUrls: {
        baseUrl: '/blog',
        articles: '/articles',
        authors: '/authors',
        categories: '/categories',
        tags: '/tags',
    sections: {
        section_main: {
            main: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'articles', name: 'BlogStaticAllArticles' },
                    { id: 'authors', name: 'BlogDynamicAuthors' },
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-authors', name: 'BlogSidebarAuthors' },
            urlPath: '/blog',

        section_articles: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'articles', name: 'BlogStaticAllArticles' }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/articles',
        slug_section_article: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'article', name: 'BlogSlugArticle' }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/articles/',

        section_authors: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'authors', name: 'BlogDynamicAuthors' }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/authors/',
        slug_section_author: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'authors', name: 'BlogSlugAuthor' }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'latest-authors', name: 'BlogSidebarAuthors' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/authors/',

        section_categories: {
            main: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'categories', name: 'BlogDynamicListView', props: { render: 'categories' } },
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/categories/',
        slug_section_category: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'category', name: 'BlogSlugCategory' }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/categories/',

        section_tags: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'tags', name: 'BlogDynamicListView', props: { render: 'tags' } }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/tags/',
        slug_section_tag: {
            main: {
                components: [{ id: 'tag', name: 'BlogSlugTag' }],
            sidebar: {
                components: [
                    { id: 'sidebar-categories', name: 'BlogSidebarCategories' },
                    { id: 'sidebar-tags', name: 'BlogSidebarTags' },
                    { id: 'latest-articles', name: 'BlogSidebarLatestArticles' },
            urlPath: '/tags/',


Table of Contents