

In the file @config/auth.ts you can set the config of auth


The next example is the default configuration

export default {
    enabled: true,

    oauth: {
        providers: ['github', 'google', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'gitlab', 'linkedin']

    login: {
        redirect: '/dashboard'

    register: {
        redirect: '/dashboard'

    logout: {
        redirect: '/'

    default: {
        redirect: '/dashboard'

    createAccountAfterCheckout: true,

    allowSigninWithEmailIfNotRegistered: true,

    loginAfterCheckout: true,

    providers: () => {
        return {
            github: { label: 'GitHub', icon: 'simple-icons:github', color: '#24292F'},
            twitter: { label: 'X', icon: 'simple-icons:x', color: '#000000'},
            facebook: { label: 'Facebook', icon: 'simple-icons:facebook', color: '#4267B2'},
            gitlab: { label: 'Gitlab', icon: 'simple-icons:gitlab', color: '#000000'},
            google: { label: 'Google', icon: 'simple-icons:google', color: '#4285F4'},
            linkedin: { label: 'LinkedIn', icon: 'simple-icons:linkedin', color: '#0072b1'},

    profile: {
        info: {
            title: "Personal info",
                "Use an email address that you use often and where you can receive emails.",
            image: true, // true / false
            inputs: [
                    name: "name",
                    label: "Name",
                    id: "name",
                    type: "text",
                    help: "Insert your Full Name",
                    validation: "required",
                    name: "email",
                    label: "Email",
                    id: "email",
                    type: "email",
                    help: "Insert your Email",
                    validation: "required",
            button: {
                text: "Save",
                icon: "",
        password: {
            title: "Change password",
            description: "Update the password associated with your account.",
            hasNoCredentials: {
                message: "You don't have a password yet, so it's up to you to create one.",
            inputs: [
                    name: "currentPassword",
                    label: "Current Password",
                    id: "currentPassword",
                    type: "password",
                    help: "Insert your current password",
                    validation: "required",
                    name: "password",
                    label: "New Password",
                    id: "password",
                    type: "password",
                    help: "Insert your new password",
                    validation: "required",
                    name: "password_confirm",
                    label: "Confirm Password",
                    id: "password_confirm",
                    type: "password",
                    help: "Confirm your new password",
                    validation: "required|confirm",
            button: {
                text: "Save",
                icon: "",
        disconnect: {
            title: "Disconnect",
            description: "You can log out of your account here.",
            button: {
                text: "Disconnect",
                icon: "line-md:log-out",


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